Winter Quarter 2024

Applications for Spring Quarter 2024 are now closed!

We would like to highlight some daytime classes that generally have at least one TA assigned based on previous quarters –

This is not a set or complete list since enrollments and class sizes change. The class may or may not get a TA depending on enrollment.  The quarters in which these classes are offered are different, so please check the schedule for the appropriate TA application quarter to determine if the course is being offered.

A resume is required. Please have a section where you list ALL skills (Java, Python, CUDA, OpenCL, GPU,  Verilog, etc.). The rest of your resume should reflect all duties related to teaching, mentoring, tutoring or project leadership, etc.

If you are interested in EE 393, please provide a writing sample. Your essay on an application to your program or a course paper are examples you can use.

Ph.D. students are first priority and usually take a while to get through. Masters and Undergrads are generally not considered until 99% of our PhDs are placed so may take longer to send out offers. Please look into this for a brief summary: TA Assignment Process


Course Responsibilities

The following courses are generally offered by ECE, listed with common responsibilities. More information about offered courses and the current instructors can be found here: ECE Time Schedule and Syllabi for daytime students,  PMP Time Schedule for ECE PMP students. Note that TA assignments are dependent on enrollment, so not all classes will be assigned a TA. Should you be offered a TA position, the following are the very minimum expected job duties for each course. Additional job duties may be added by the course instructor, so it is best to have discussions about TA workload and expectations with the instructor during the application process. A course TA is expected to work, on average, up to and no more than 20 hours per week.

COURSE NO. Lead Quiz/
Review Sections
Lead Lab Sections Hold Office Hours Write/
Update Material
Grade HWs Grade Labs Grade Exams Other Admini-strivia*
EE 205
EE 215
EE 233
EE 235
EE 271
EE 331
EE 332
EE 341
EE 351
EE 361
EE 371
EE 393
EE 398
EE 399
EE 400
EE 416
EE 417
EE 418
EE 419
EE 420
EE 421
EE 423
EE 424
EE 433
EE 436
EE 437
EE 438
EE 440
EE 442
EE 443
EE 447
EE 448
EE 449
EE 452
EE 453
EE 454
EE 455
EE 456
EE 457
EE 458
EE 460
EE 461
EE 464
EE 466
EE 469
EE 470
EE 473
EE 474
EE 475
EE 476
EE 477
EE 478
EE 482
EE 485
EE 490
EE 491
EE 492
EE 496
EE 497
EE 498
EE 499
EE 501
EE 503
EE 504
EE 505
EE 506
EE 507
EE 508
EE 510
EE 511
EE 514
EE 518
EE 520
EE 521
EE 523
EE 525
EE 526
EE 527
EE 529
EE 534
EE 536
EE 538
EE 539
EE 546
EE 547
EE 548
EE 553
EE 554
EE 559
EE 560
EE 561
EE 562
EE 563
EE 565
EE 568
EE 574
EE 576
EE 578
EE 579
EE 580
EE 581
EE 583
EE 594
EE 597
EE 598
EE 599
CAD TA         ✔**
Lab TA         ✔***

** The minimum responsibilities of a Lab TA are below:

  • Consult with EE class instructors about lab kit requirements and assemble the kits.
  • Manage operations of the EE store for lab kit distributions and returns, sales, and equipment loans.
  • Repair and replace defective lab kit components or equipment

**The CAD TA’s principal role is to ensure that Linux-based Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools used in classes offered by the ECE department are functional. Responsibilities include renewing licenses (i.e. contacting vendors, professors, UW-IT, and/or ECE Admin to obtain license keys, fill out purchase requests, and clarify features required), troubleshooting setup/compatibility issues encountered by TA’s, and installing/testing updated versions of the tools. Additionally, the CAD TA is responsible for transitioning the next CAD TA (i.e. providing contact information, and reviewing Linux directory structure). Questions/concerns related to the scope/responsibilities of the position can be directed to the ECE Education Chair and/or the ECE Director of Computing.

*Other administrivia might include the following but are not limited to: attending lectures, attending prep meetings, answering student emails, monitoring class discussion forums, grading projects, and maintaining the canvas page/class website.